f6d3264842 Fallout 2 allows you to play your character the way you want. If you want to ...... If Fred dies before you talk to him, you won't be able to get quest 2. a green star .... Den characters, Fallout 2 human characters. ... He owes Rebecca money and the Chosen One can confront him to pay up. ... Collect money from Fred: If the Chosen One does work for Rebecca, they can ask Fred for money to pay for his debt.. Detailed walkthrough Edit She tells you that Fred owes her an old debt to the amount of $200. He can be found on the west side of the Den, either in the casino or near Flick's. He looks like a junkie so you'll have to search until you find the right person.. Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game is a turn-based role-playing open world video ... Fred Hatch ... Fallout 2 is a role-playing open-world video game.. Jun 25, 2014 ... I was doing Becky's quest in which you must find Fred, which I did, and get her money back. I, however, chose to take only half of his money .... Récupère l'argent des mains de Fred est une quête de Fallout 2. ... Elle vous dira que Fred doit lui régler une vieille dette d'un montant de 200$. Il peut être .... She'll ask you to find Fred and collect $200. After you return Fred's payment, offer to find the book that Derek borrowed. Go to the east side, and screw the bar .... For Fallout 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "cant find fred :(".. Mar 24, 2019 ... Although he appears to be a junkie or a drunkard to the casual observer, Fred is simply one of the many impoverished denizens of the town.. Before you even think about starting to play, check out the Interplay Fallout 2 ..... you remember to stop by the Den much later and talk to Fred again, because he .... I got the first quest from Becky to find Fred and collect money. ... atleast you found him, I've been playing Fallout 2 for almost 10 years and I've .... Apr 21, 2015 - 25 min - Uploaded by PyjamasamWe find Fred, instead of giving Mike the money, Mike gives it to Fred?! Serie Playlist: .... Nov 11, 2015 - 5 min - Uploaded by Jane Denton GamingFallout 2 - Collect Money from Fred (The Den) Part #31 You can also find me at: Twitch: https .... Back to Fallout 2 ... She'll tell you that Fred owes her a debt of $200. Fred is ... Once you've collected the money from Fred Rebecca will have another job for you.. The Den is a fairly low level place where you'll come to pick up some easy xp, a few quests, the ... South of Becky's somewhere you'll find a "citizen" named Fred.. Collect money from Fred. Fred borrowed money from Rebecca and she thinks it time for him to pay up. Other interactions edit edit source When confronted to .... This article is within the scope of the Fallout 1 and 2 characters project. This project is dedicated to adding missing and improving existing Fallout and Fallout 2 .... Dec 24, 2000 ... ... fred?? mm.. I can'r find fred everywhere in The Den... can some one please help me out? ... Fallout RPG Gameplay & Tech › ... But anyway to find him out of all the addics examine him and it'll say a "townsperson of the den".. This is Steve's Guide to Fallout 2, Copied from the IGN site to Steam for an. Den much later and talk to Fred again, because he makes good use of... Anyway .... I can't give the money from Fred back to Rebecca, I don't get the dialogue option to tell her that I got it. I have tried both with the...
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